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Visitors 66
Modified 3-Jul-07
Created 18-May-07
28 photos

Some shots of a few of the plants in my front garden this Spring, in Saga, Japan

Wild poppies

Wild poppies

Wild poppy

Wild poppy

Wild poppy and hoverbee

Wild poppy and hoverbee

Purple flowers

Purple flowers



Hydrangea bud

Hydrangea bud



Two hoverbees

Two hoverbees

Two hoverbees 2

Two hoverbees 2



Love in the mist

Love in the mist

Love in the mist and insect

Love in the mist and insect

Red rose

Red rose

White rose

White rose

blue and pink hydrangeas

blue and pink hydrangeas

blue and pink hydrangea

blue and pink hydrangea

pink hydrangea

pink hydrangea

white hydrangea

white hydrangea

Lily 1

Lily 1

Lily 2

Lily 2